Solar Supply Chain, Quality Assurance, and Independent Engineering Disruptions

Currentsp104: Clean Energy Associates on Supply Chain, QA and IE on Current Norton Rose

In this podcast, Clean Energy Associates’ CEO, Andy Klump, joins Currents to discuss trends in solar and energy storage quality assurance and independent engineering work globally since COVID-19 became a pandemic.

Topics Discussed Include:

  • Upstream quality assurance and downstream technical advisory in the solar and energy storage industries

  • The effects of tariffs placed by the Trump administration

  • The three primary ways of coping with the tariffs (having multiple sources of supply, flight to quality and understanding which suppliers have advanced technology)

  • Observations of how manufacturing is now being diversified outside China, and how most of the product coming into the United States is manufactured in either Southeast Asia or Korea

  • The impact of the rise in force majeure claims and how it is impacting the industry

  • How COVID-19 has disrupted the operations of on-field inspectors

  • The costs and broader technological trends in energy storage