Understanding PV Fire Risk: Is Your Commercial Rooftop Safe?


pv magazine Webinar on Identifying and Mitigating PV Rooftop Thermal Risks

In recent years, fires have played a major role in the US energy landscape. Historically underreported by the U.S. Fire Administration, fires at solar installations rose 36% from 2017 to 2018 alone.

Based on a sample of hundreds of commercial scale rooftop inspections performed by Clean Energy Associates (CEA) globally, over 90% of inspected rooftops had significant safety and fire risks. Most of these risks can be readily identified and resolved. If not done so promptly, however, they may result in fires, creating a safety hazard and potential liability that can be costly.

As a first line of defense, C&I rooftop solar owners should attempt to ensure that installers and O&M providers are qualified, experienced, and certified. But doing your homework at the installation phase is only a start. In this pv magazine webinar, CEA’s Rogér Balyon, Senior Manager of Engineering Services, goes through some of the most common issues found on site and the resulting safety risk potential.


  • Identification of major risk items found in PV rooftop installations

  • How to determine if your O&M company is keeping your system safe

  • Overview of CEA’s safety inspection service offerings

  • Q&A